On the night of the October 21st the Genuine Madrid performed Champions League match against AC Milan. Heineken convinced numerous university professors, girlfriends, and several bosses to convince their students, boyfriends and workers to go to a concert on that evening. All of them couldnt say no and had to go to the classical concert. But…
Video clip Score: 4 / five
A coisa mais linda que uma empresa já fez pela humanidade! AHUAHA <3
@wAv3 I do… That´s the easiest way to make publicity on these days
Que lindo mesmo <3
@LostSoulsNL no man Grolsch is beter but Hertog nog beter
@Monkey3004 it’s not that bad taste. I drink it all the time. Ice cold Heinken is realy a good taste!
whahhaha ofcourse something a dutch company would support!
hahahaha :’D
and lostsoulsNL: yeh, heineken haven’t even got a great taste, but it has got the best commercials!!! :D:D
-this is F#@$&IN’ Great!!
Someone knows how to make good, cheap, publicity 😀
!!! SUPER !!!
Freakin Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andiamo Milan!
/from Sweden!
@dkunha39 ahahahahahahahaha maybe he was speechless.
It broght me tears to my eyes T-T as a football fan, It’s so….
That is amazing.
@dkunha39 may be his gf likes football … not him 😀
The 9 guys who disliked this video have no feelings!!
5:06 jogado no lixo que bosta sem criatividade nenhuma com tantos produtos no mão e uma bosta dessa
loving heineken marketing!!!
The guy at 3:46 was not very happy about it.
Maybe he was there really to watch the concert!!!
Epic win. Too bad the beer itself is so boring…
Awesome!! guys and football cannot be explained..
I wonder if women would ever be capable of understanding it !
In portuguese:
Du caralho! a relação entre futebol e homens não podem ser explicadas!
SErá que algum dia as mulheres serão capazes de entender?
@choualxq thx
@bdzbdz Chelsea Dagger
@mmiirriiamm Chelsea Dagger (: