25 thoughts on “El Shaarawy Stephan – Welcome To AC Milan |HD|”

  1. @issamkarimredasoufia Islam is a religion, has NOTHING to do with a persons name unless that person’s name is RELATED to the religion not the other way around

  2. @MrMilanistaSwe eller hur det finns ju kristna i egypten, var är du ifrån asså bakgrund?

  3. @gabbefifa Aa, jag är svens. 🙂
    Men jag tror inte hans pappa är muslim, bara för att man är från Egypten. Tror båda är kristna.

  4. @MrMilanistaSwe är du svensk? lr hur fattar inte heller men hon kanske inte va så religiös o brydde sig it så mkt om det

  5. @gabbefifa Well his mother i christian. I dont know where people from here got that his father is muslim just because he’s from Egypt. I dont think his mother would be allowed to marry a muslim man or something, I dont really know. 🙂

  6. @jakeinter11 Shaarawy is the biggest talent in Italy. And Alvarez sucked against Manchester City and Celtic, didnt look like a talent too me. Coutinho doesnt even make of the bench in Merda. Castaignos I’m actually surprised off, he looks like a great talent, but Stephan is a bigger one.

  7. LOL… u call this a talent?? go check the talents that inter bought like Ricky Alvarez, Coutinho,Castaignos,and the lates one Alejandro Rodriguez.

  8. @issamkarimredasoufia his father is an egyptian muslim and mother is an italian christian …

  9. @MrMuhsinin that doesnt mean shit. who has the most trophies in the world oh yea milan

  10. He seems clever player with great technic and nice finishing right foot. Lets hope he has the “balls” to curry MILAN’ shirt

  11. اشربوه يا طليان … برضه المصريين اسيادكم 😛

  12. @gabbefifa and why ” :S ” ?? is it wrong to be a muslim ??? also his father is egyptian … what about that ??? he has arab roots ??

  13. @gabbefifa does it make a difference?? Plus alot of unearthed talent in north africa Morocco, algeria, Tunisia, Libya Egypt …and these countries happen to be muslim countries….

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