25 thoughts on “AMAZING goal PATO ! AC Milan vs Napoli (3-0)”

  1. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr PATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


  3. @paqman78 face palm to your comment. fucking EPL team parking the bus and praying for a cheap counter attack.. booorrring. Get the fuck out of her shit packerman

  4. @paqman78 face palm to your comment. fucking EPL team parking the bus and praying for a cheap counter attack.. booorrring. Get the fuck out of her fudge packman

  5. No backlift, yet the speed of the shot fooled the keeper – remarkable controlled skill.

  6. He doesn’t do things like that enough though…he probably won’t score for a month now

  7. @dhollseed obviously u didnt watch the whole game cuz if u had u know this just summed up Pato’s game FUCKING AMAZING!!! not to mention it was his debut match since he had been out injured for so long and trust me wat he did is not as easy as it looks this is world class not training ground B.S.

  8. I don’t know what they call that in Italy. In America, we would call it “toying with them.”

  9. @NEWRNBANDHIPHOP agreed. already 2-0 up with 10 minutes to go against two defenders who already had their minds on going home.

    training-ground quality…nothing amazing.

  10. @NEWRNBANDHIPHOP u dont have a clue. finish is so calm from outside the box, right into the top corner. fantastic technique and temperament not to blaze it over

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